More Mac 40th Anniversary Celebrations

So many articles related to the Macintosh’s 40th anniversary, to little time…

The Mac at 40: Iconic, indelible, immortal by Dan Moren, Macworld:

Forty years. In the world of technology, where many devices seem to evaporate after only a matter of months, lasting for a decade is an accomplishment–but four of them? It’s nearly unheard of.

Apple Shares the Secret of Why the 40-Year-Old Mac Still Rules by Steven Levy, Wired:

The pioneering PC revolutionized how people interact with computers. As the Mac enters its fifth decade, Apple says it will continue to evolve.

Upgrade #496: 40th Anniversary of the Mac Draft

Celebrating 40 years of the Mac, we’ve gathered an all-star panel of longtime Mac users to pick the best Macs, Mac software, and Mac accessories, as well as induct a few events or devices into the Mac Hall of Shame.

Guest Starring: Dan MorenJohn GruberJohn SiracusaShelly Brisbin, and Stephen Hackett

Dr. Drang’s Own Mac 40Th Anniversary Draft

I don’t have the sort of encyclopedic Mac knowledge the draft participants–Shelly Brisbin, Stephen Hackett, Dan Moren, Jason Snell, and the aforementioned Johns–have, but I do want to mention what my picks would be for two of the categories: first Mac and best/favorite Mac software.

I want to do the same but got all categories, just like I started doing with Clockwise I wanted to participate in this podcast very much, I’ll write it up as soon as I can. Today’s been very busy.

And finally (there are many more, but I couldn’t keep up).

Mac at 40: The eras tour by Jason Snell, on Six Colors:

plotting the Mac’s history as defined by the Mac’s four distinct processor eras.