Git failed to push some refs – the multiple branch variant

I was having this problem a couple of minutes ago. A couple of interesting comments already there:

your push works, you just get a confusing error about the other branches that git tries to auto-push.

So basically, the push on you branch does work. I checked on github immediatly and it didn’t show, but it could have been just a matter on timing.

And this comment :

For whatever reason, by default git push pushes to all branches on the remote. To set this to the default that you’re expecting (and that really seems the only sane and reasonable default to me, but I digress), you can use git config remote.origin.push HEAD. But meanwhile, since you may wind up using git from other machines and forget that the default behavior is broken, you should probably always just specify the remote and branch explicitly.

So, using your example here, you would use:

git push origin fetch-flow

The problem with this is that if you mistype your branch, you could wind up creating a new branch on the remote with the typo, e.g. something like fletch-flow. So that brings us to what is likely the best git push habit to get into:

git push origin HEAD

This will push only the current branch to a branch of the same name on the remote.

W3Conf: Practical Standards for Web Professionals

The W3C’s first conference came and went and I didn’t even realize it.

The presentation videos are available on the site, or if you prefer:


Via Sitepoint

Selectively select changes to commit with git (or Imma edit your hunk)

Sometimes during software development you start working on something and then find out you need to fix something else first.

Has that happened to you too? Well, it has to me.

As a good Git user, you stash your current changes fix the new issue commit the changes and then pop the stashed changes to keep plugging away.

But, sometimes you get caught in the thrill of the moment (more like the omg-I-have-to-fix-that-bug-now of the moment) and forget to stash.

Has that happened to you too? Well, it has to me.

What happens next is that you end up with changes for two different and probably unrelated things.

The problem, explained

Let’s say you’re writing a story about your site and your first version of the file is done and you’re ready to commit your initial file.

This is a lovely fly.

Once upon a time there was a website called <name>.

So you commit it:

> git add test.txt
> git commit -m "Initial file"
[master (root-commit) 113eda8] Initial file
 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 test.txt

Then you go on to add more text to your file…

> git diff
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+My great, great website story
 This is a lovely fly.

-Once upon a time there was a website called <name>.
+Once upon a time there was a website called
+It was a nice site.

So as you can see, I added a title to my story and a couple of lines (the ones that start with +, lines without a marker at the beginning are reference lines and if I had deleted lines they would begin with**-**).

And then BOOM, all hell breaks loose, you notice you wrote “fly” instead of “file”. OMG. So you immediately fix it.

> git diff
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
-This is a lovely fly.
+My great, great website story
+This is a lovely file.
+Once upon a time there was a website called
+It was a nice site.

-Once upon a time there was a website called <name>.

And this is where you get in trouble. Because you didn’t stash the changes first, your diff is showing changes that “fix” two different issues.

You could undo the changes to “fly”, commit and then re-do the changes. In this case it may make sense because it’s a small change, but your case could be more complicated and not as easy to “undo”.

Enter git add -i

What git add -i does is allow you to interactively (hence the i) select what parts you want to add to the staging area.

git add -i 
           staged     unstaged path
  1:    unchanged        +8/-2 test.txt

*** Commands ***
  1: [s]tatus     2: [u]pdate     3: [r]evert     4: [a]dd untracked
  5: [p]atch      6: [d]iff       7: [q]uit       8: [h]elp
What now> 5
           staged     unstaged path
  1:    unchanged        +8/-2 [t]est.txt
Patch update>> 1
           staged     unstaged path
* 1:    unchanged        +8/-2 [t]est.txt
Patch update>>
  1. First select the option 5 “[p]atch”, this option will allow you to select the parts of the diff you want.
  2. Then it will ask you for the file number you want to patch (in this case 1).
  3. Patch allows you to select multiple files, but I find it easier to work one at a time. So after selecting the file, just hit enter again.

After hitting enter, git will show you the changes on the file you selected, hunk by hunk.

In our example:

diff --git a/test.txt b/test.txt
index fd4ed01..8229b30 100644
--- a/test.txt
+++ b/test.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
-This is a lovely fly.
+My great, great website story
+This is a lovely file.
+Once upon a time there was a website called
+It was a nice site.

-Once upon a time there was a website called <name>.
Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d,/,s,e,?]?

A what? hunk?

A hunk is each section of a diff that shows some context on where the differences happen. Lines with**+** are new lines,- indicates deleted lines and lines with a space**’ '** are left untouched. But the important part is the first line of the hunk (the header), in this example:

@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@

It represents the range that the diff referes to. It can be read as:

@@ from-file-range to-file-range @@

from-file-range is represented as:

-<start line>,<number of lines>

to-file-range is represented as:

+<start line>,<number of lines>

The hunk header of our example (@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@) basically means:

the content of the file originally starting in line 1, followed by 3 lines. Well it has changed and now it starts on line 1 and spans the next 9 lines.

It doesn’t necessarily mean that you added 6 lines because you could have deleted others. That’s where the content of the diff comes into place with the + and -.

Jump into editing

So you can edit the diff and the hunk ranges to tell git which parts of the diff to actually apply.

Let’s select only the change from “fly” to “file” and ignore the new title and contet:

First hit e and then enter, to edit.

A file editor will open and you should end up with a file like this:

# Manual hunk edit mode -- see bottom for a quick guide
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
-This is a lovely fly.
+My great, great website story
+This is a lovely file.
+Once upon a time there was a website called
+It was a nice site.

-Once upon a time there was a website called <name>.
# ---
# To remove '-' lines, make them ' ' lines (context).
# To remove '+' lines, delete them.
# Lines starting with # will be removed.
# If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be
# marked for staging. If it does not apply cleanly, you will be given
# an opportunity to edit again. If all lines of the hunk are removed,
# then the edit is aborted and the hunk is left unchanged.

Here you can delete the lines you don’t want to include and then modify the number of lines on the “to-file-range”, like this:

# Manual hunk edit mode -- see bottom for a quick guide
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-This is a lovely fly.
+This is a lovely file.

# ---
# To remove '-' lines, make them ' ' lines (context).
# To remove '+' lines, delete them.
# Lines starting with # will be removed.
# If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be
# marked for staging. If it does not apply cleanly, you will be given
# an opportunity to edit again. If all lines of the hunk are removed,
# then the edit is aborted and the hunk is left unchanged.

So basically you are telling git that the change should be only in one line (actual diff content) and the number of lines on the file didn’t change (3).

If everything works ok, git will show the commands prompt again. You can use option 6 “[d]iff” to check the changes:

*** Commands ***
  1: [s]tatus     2: [u]pdate     3: [r]evert     4: [a]dd untracked
  5: [p]atch      6: [d]iff       7: [q]uit       8: [h]elp
What now> 6
           staged     unstaged path
  1:        +1/-1        +7/-1 [t]est.txt
Review diff>> 1
diff --git a/test.txt b/test.txt
index fd4ed01..18304be 100644
--- a/test.txt
+++ b/test.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-This is a lovely fly.
+This is a lovely file.

 Once upon a time there was a website called <name>.

Now you are ready to commit those changes. Exit the interactive mode by using option 7 (or ‘q’)

You can check the changes ready to commit by usinggit diff --cached

And to see that the rest of the modifications are still available withgit diff

The secrets of editing hunks

Editing the hunks can be confusing at first, the instructions that git gives you help but are not enough to get started.

# —||

# To remove ‘-’ lines, make them ’ ’ lines (context).

# To remove ‘+’ lines, delete them.

# Lines starting with # will be removed.


# If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be

# marked for staging. If it does not apply cleanly, you will be given

# an opportunity to edit again. If all lines of the hunk are removed,

# then the edit is aborted and the hunk is left unchanged.

The secret sauce is…counting lines:

  • If you remove a line that starts with + then subtract one to the new line count (last digit of the hunk’s header).
  • If you remove a line that starts with - then add one to the new line count (last digit of the hunk’s header).
  • Don’t remove the other lines (reference lines).

This should allow you to quickly modify the hunks to select the parts you want.

Most of what I showed on this article I learned by reading these two questions on Stack Overflow:

A set of CSS tools to make your coding faster

4 days ago I published a link to a CSS Border Radius Generator and since I’ve found a couple more that are very useful.

Slavery Footprint

Interesting app that calculates how many slaves worked for you to make the goods you consume or own.

Actually, no. That smart phone. That t-shirt, computer, cup of coffee… That’s stuff we buy, and that’s stuff that comes from slaves.

The site looks very nice too, although it used images for text which is annoying.

You can get iOS and Android apps too.

Shopify Lost Time

I had decided to keep my iPhone 4S naked but I’ve been using the sleeve that came with my previous phone, a Nexus One. Which looks silly as it doesn’t fit correctly and has the android logo on the outside.

An then Andy Clarke linked to the MATT iPhone 4 sleeve and I wanted it.

I went to the website and tried to buy it, and then Step 2 happened:

They don’t ship to my country

Dear Shopify: you can fix this.

The Verge

The Verge is live, now I can stop going to Engadget.

From their about page:

The Verge’s mission is to offer breaking news coverage and in-depth reporting, product information, and community content via a unified, modern platform.